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August 03, 2004

Copyright Cartel's Latest Legal Victim

The cartel has killed off 321 Studios, which sold software letting people back up their DVDs. Another scalp for an industry that will sue businesses into the ground when they dare to offer people a way to use the digital music and other "content" they've purchased in the ways they choose for their own personal use.

The cartel says anything that can be used for infringement is not allowed to exist. Corporations rule. Customers are supposed to submit. They don't always have to.

So, if you need to make a backup of your DVD, you'll now need to work a little harder. You'll have to visit one of the other places.

Posted by Dan at August 3, 2004 06:54 PM


Now, that is the reason why I still use a VCR.

First, because it allows me to LEGALLY tape movies (and re-tape them, when old copies start to deteriorate) -- and second, because when I get DVD, it will of course be made obsolete by some OTHER new format. And I'll have to buy all the movies again.

Don't get me wrong -- VHS is a pretty lousy standard. But get this: every time a new recording format comes along, we have to buy the old movies, music tracks and stuff all over again. And since the backlist of music and movies just keeps growing, the music and movie industry owns a license to print money.

I don't use pirate copies; I don't even download music. What's the point in buying an iPod -- or a TiVo -- when I read in the news how big companies are trying to make them illegal?

But damn it if I'm going to let the media industry fool me into buying the same movie twice. Then I'd rather wait until it shows on TV.

Posted by: A.R. Yngve at August 4, 2004 06:18 AM

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